
Online Education: Why you should choose online courses today

Online Education
Online Education: 5 reasons to consider online courses today

If there was something valuable I have learned through our Rainmakers market readiness program, it would be that the Lebanese job market is one big jungle. It’s very competitive and easy to get lost in. To be able to make it through in one piece, you need to have the proper tools. Broadening your skillset when entering the job market is similar to carrying a swiss knife. It makes sense that the more tools you have in that metal pouch, the better your chances are out there. With that being said, here are 5 reasons why now is the time to consider broadening your skills through online courses.

  1. Reduce Boredom

Now that the entire world is on lockdown, boredom has become inevitable. There are only so many shows you can binge on Netflix and so many memes you can scroll through on social media before boredom catches up with you. Taking some time out of your day for an online course or workshop will give you something beneficial to do.

  1. Keep Your Mind Off The Chaos

Living in Lebanon means there’s always something new happening, and unfortunately it’s not always the best. Staying focused on online courses keeps your mind out of the negative fog. Not to mention the sense of accomplishment you will get from learning a new skill or completing a course, which can be a great source of motivation.

  1. Get a Head Start

Back to our jungle analogy… There have been a lot of wild events in Lebanon this year and it has caused many businesses and companies to close down. Once the country gets back on its feet, or at least once the covid situation stabilizes, businesses will be blooming again, meaning they’ll be looking to hire. While other candidates were busy binging on Netflix and oversleeping, you were sharpening your skills and molding yourself to be able to rise up the food chain… I mean the corporate ladder. 

  1. Discover Yourself:

Make use of this lost time to discover more about yourself. What you’re good at, what you’re bad at, what gaps you might be missing in your skillset, and what essential, technical, or linguistic skills might be needed to fill these gaps. Diving into the realm of online courses is the best way to find out more about yourself, and what better time to do so.

  1. Gain Local Insight & Global Perspective: 

While local workshops and online courses offer more relatability through their local insights and case studies, globally certified online academies such as Coursera & Udemy offer other added values such as, recognized certificates, world-renowned expert instructors, and a curriculum that is up to date with the latest global studies and industry trends. This makes them a better alternative for students coming from diverse backgrounds and those looking to work abroad. Of course, completing both local & international courses is a great way of getting the best of both worlds. 

If you’re interested in diving deep into the world of online courses, Coursera is currently offering a free subscription to Lebanese citizens. You better hurry though, the deadline to apply is the 31st of October and the subscription is valid until the end of 2020.

If you’re looking to take it 1 step further, you can APPLY for our Rainmakers market readiness program. This program offers 3 months of live weekly training sessions along with a 3-month internship phase. The available tracks are Digital Marketing, Content Creation, and Operations Engineering.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity! If you’ve enjoyed this blog post, make sure to share it with your friends and network on social media through the icons below. 

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